Monthly Archives: February 2023

Fates Warning – ‘No Exit’ expanded edition found at their band camp site.

Being a prog metal fan since 1987 has got to the point where I need to discover unreleased, rare, and demos and the Expanded Editions of the likes of Dream Theater, Queensryche, Fates Warning in general. Fates has always been on top of their game.

Roots, Bloody Roots in Black History Month.

Black History Month no better way to kick it off then to study African heritage of going back to the primitive of most of our ancestry, how life was meaningful when life was more concerned with spirit/souls than today’s plethora of excess greed and material wealth consumed. All the money, game and fortune does not buy for what happened in the past to those souls enslaved for eternal damnation by whips and chains, let alone bigotry. We in the modern cathartic nature universe seem to repeat mistakes political by not correctly studying the past of what happened to African Natives, American Indians, Jews, and other disregarded people of race, and religion:; instead we Americans of privileges want to stir up an revolution of sorts of many don’t get their way. The American Revolution 1776 reeked of violence, bloody malovelence to gain an established colonies to begin with against British tyranny of King George. That would be understood. Amid certain liberties Worth the fight, the colonial Congregationalists and members of freed African Americans themselves had owned slaves for plantations. Blacks then owned slaves of color as much as in third world countries today.
What does this mean? Are Americans today ignorance by the mass media and politics fed a pack of lies by not just the Government leadership, but our failures within ourselves to turn against each other. Police reform policy I believe in. For the sake of race in the minority, too many people of color have been targeted as petty criminals by any LEO of either ethnic backgrounds. Same goes in the prisons, you are likely to be executed on death row if you are African American. If you seen the documentary Innocence Files, then you’d comprehend by listening to the narratives most of the black males incarcerated were arrested for a crime they did not commit, but we’re convicted by in the court of law because the alleged guilty looked like a person of the actual perpetrator by imperical observation. Not by any physical evidence. No chain of evidence. At least in the deep south. They were spending time for close to a full life term waiting execution but, by last minute evidence presented to the appeals, the stay of execution stood. Meaning. African Americans are targeted every where, that needs to stop. I stand with the innocent ones that are police targets. What I won’t stand with is the BLM.
Enough of the ranting.
We won’t be able to learn from the bigotry past and present if we just learn to think for ourselves in a responsible manner without going extremely indulge irresponsible behavior. Good read on Black History Month is “The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley.”
Dios sea contigo .