Monthly Archives: March 2023


First let me see by saying to Black lives matter to shut the hell up, quit blaming everybody for something the rest of us did not do.

For someone who’s 1/3 Spanish descend,, I find it despicable for all these hate crimes against the Asian communities. As much as the black community as well. Not to mention the Jewish communities.

Whites also are victims of hate crimes. So all racism is not attributed to them only. In the state of Colorado, an mentally disturbed Arab American killed two white people during a killing rampage, I believe one of the victims was Asian.

You see it is not about the color of the skin. Racism is not about generalizing people of skin color, nor the way they appear in physical description. That’s being generalized. In Truth, it’s a state of mind, the seeds of hate; but comes in all human forms for decades, it has been planted, fueled by the propaganda machine of the media, Yahoo Sports, the Democrats; It wasn’t too long ago, the Dem rats put the blame on Aisans for the covid-19, now are doing the opposite, by playing their game of hypocrisy #StopAsianHate


Anyone who says all lives don’t matter till all black lives matter, in addition to state a race before all lives matter is nothing more than a racist!